- Centro de negocios "Camaretas" C/ del Naranjo, Nº6, Planta 4ª 42190 Golmayo, Soria · España
- +34 975 052 062
- info@agerpix.com
© 2021 Agerpix
Company name: Agerpix Technologies, S.L.
Trade name: Agerpix
Company domicile: Centro de negocios “Camaretas” C/ del Naranjo, Nº6, Planta 4ª 42190 Golmayo, Soria · España
Tax ID: B42221705
Telephone: +34 975 052 062
Email: info@agerpix.com
Registered in the Commercial Register of
Domain name: www.agerpix.com
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The company reserves the right to modify the general conditions of portal use at any time. In any case, you are advised to periodically check these terms of portal use, as they may be modified.
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All contents, brands, logos, drawings, documentation, computer programs, and any other element subject to protection by intellectual or industrial property laws and accessible on the portal belong exclusively to the company or their legitimate owners, and all rights thereto are expressly reserved. Creating hypertext links (links) to any element of the portal’s web pages without the company’s authorisation is expressly prohibited, provided that they are not a web page of the portal that does not require identification or authentication for access, or this is restricted.
In any case, the portal reserves all rights to the contents, information, data and services that it holds thereto. The portal does not grant the user any licence or authorisation to use its contents, data or services, other than that expressly detailed in these general conditions of portal use.
Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy
The portal makes available to its users a link to its Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. They are advised to read these documents and will be asked to accept them in order to browse the portal and send data through forms.
© 2021 Agerpix