- Centro de negocios "Camaretas" C/ del Naranjo, Nº6, Planta 4ª 42190 Golmayo, Soria · España
- +34 975 052 062
- info@agerpix.com
© 2021 Agerpix
With regard to the personal data submitted by the data subjects on the forms on the website www.agerpix.com, current regulations on personal data protection are strictly upheld. The data provided, when applicable, will be included in a file for which Agerpix Technologies, SL (hereinafter, Agerpix) is responsible and processed for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and on the forms in each case, with the data subjects giving their consent for this processing by accepting this Privacy Policy or by sending information by any of the means provided on the website.
Purpose of the data
Agerpix collects certain personal data that is voluntarily entered by users on the different forms (‘Contact’, ‘Newsletter’ and ‘Send us your application’) on the website www.agerpix.com.
The data is used for the following purposes:
– To handle any information requests made through the contact form provided on the website (‘Contact us’).
– To send, by electronic means, the newsletter to any users who have stated that they wish to receive this type of information through the Newsletter forms on the website.
– To handle the applications submitted through the ‘Send us your application’ form on the website.
Mandatory nature of the data
All fields require a response unless it is indicated that they are optional on the form itself. Unless the mandatory fields are filled in, it will be impossible to reply to a contact request, send the newsletter or take into account the submitted application, depending on the form used.
Rights of access, rectification, erasure, and objection
Data subjects can exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, and objection, and revoke the consent given in each case for the processing and/or transfer of their data at any time by mailing their request to Agerpix Technologies, S.L. at the following address: Centro de negocios “Camaretas” C/ del Naranjo, Nº6, Planta 4ª 42190 Golmayo, Soria · Spain. They can also do so by sending an email to the following address: info@agerpix.com. In any case, the request must be accompanied by a copy of the official document proving the data subject’s identity.
Data controller
The data controller is Agerpix Technologies, S.L., whose domicile is at Centro de negocios “Camaretas” C/ del Naranjo, Nº6, Planta 4ª 42190 Golmayo, Soria · Spain
Agerpix has duly registered its files with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, and they may be viewed at www.agpd.es
Transfer of data
The data provided by the data subjects is not transferred to third parties unless Agerpix is expressly authorised to do so, and it is only transmitted, when applicable, to manage the services requested by users. The transmission of data is linked to the very purpose for which the data was entered, and it is therefore related to the free and legitimate acceptance of the existing legal relationship between the data subjects and Agerpix, whose development, compliance, and control necessarily require data connection, including the necessary transmission thereof. By accepting this Privacy Policy, the data subjects declare that they have been informed and consent, without reservation, to the transmission of their data under the terms indicated in this clause. The data subjects may revoke the consent given as indicated in this policy.
When a user posts or shares a comment, he/she is expressly authorising the publication of his/her identification on the website and, therefore, the transmission to the other users who access hemav.com.
Users must refrain from providing other people’s personal data unless expressly authorised by the latter to do so. Agerpix may contact users at any time and ask them to prove the existence and content of the aforementioned authorisations.
Agerpix ensures the absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data processed, adopting the necessary security measures, of a technical and/or organisational nature, to prevent the alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access to the data, thus guaranteeing the security of the data. Agerpix shall not be held liable under any circumstances for incidents that may arise around personal data derived either from an attack or unauthorised access to systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect by the implemented security measures.
Agerpix only uses, when applicable, cookies to carry out the exchange of data through electronic communications networks, or when the latter are strictly necessary for the provision of a feature that is part of an information society service expressly requested by the user. In the event that the use of cookies does not fulfil any of the indicated purposes, Agerpix will request the user’s informed consent for the use of these data storage and retrieval devices on his/her computer (for example, through a pop-up window or the user’s settings for the browser or other applications, during their installation or updating). The cookies used do not contain personal information that identifies the user. In any case, the user may adjust his/her browser settings so that cookies are not installed, or to receive an alert on the screen whenever a cookie attempts to be installed, being able to decide at any time if he/she wants to accept it or not.
Data veracity
Users are responsible for the veracity of the data provided, agreeing not to enter false data and to proceed to modify it if necessary.
© 2021 Agerpix